Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Watched Bill Clinton's speech early this morning on C-Span. It was wonderful. He could be elected again this year if he could run.

Saturday, July 24, 2004

A friend of mine was visiting me from France. He wanted to go to some interesting places and I suggested that he visit the FDNY Museum, which I like very much. I used to visit it once a year and I recommend it to anyone who is looking for an off the beaten path museum. He went there and was greeted by one do the greeters, most likely a retired NYC fireman. The greeter was friendly until he asked my friend where he was from and when he heard "France" he turned away and was extremely cool to my friend; I was told it was bordering on unfriendliness at best to hostility.

Not a good impression!!! I will probably never go back there, nor will I recommend it to anyone else.

Monday, July 19, 2004


  1. Venice Biennial

  2. Prescription Database

  3. J-RT Homepage

  4. LitIq homepage

  5. FTPing to Qube1 from the outside

  6. 10 minute movie Tokyo

Sunday, July 18, 2004

Presently reading Good Muslim, Bad Muslim by Professor Mahmood Mamdani. My roommate was reading it today on the bus and someone asked him if the book was any good and if it was pro-Israel or anti-Israel. It is sad that any commentary on the problems of the world are contingent on whether or not they are pro or anti-Israel.